Egyptian Mau Breed Council


CFA Egyptian Mau Breed Council


UPDATE:  99 Lives study to investigate Issues with ammonium urate stones has been approved!!!! 

Funding needed for next steps!

Egyptian Mau breed made it to the genetic study that has been started 2 weeks ago with a full genome sequencing as a first step.  That has been done and completed.

this information will be used to search for information on the issue with ammonium urate stones.  Additional funds for the study (among 16 new studies) are required.  The total required for (lab works ) our study is $2000 USD.  As of March 1, 2018 there was $250 USD of funds collected.  The study needs more obviously.  

Any small donation will help.  

The final goal of this is to have a test available for future generations of Egyptian Maus (and other breeds) so that this causal gene is no longer in their gene pool.

Remember to identify the study as shown below when donating.
Here is the link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Please help the study!


99 LIves Genome project -

99 Lives - project that will sequence the genome (DNA) of 99 cats in order to identify normal/abnormal genetic variations and causative mutations for specific health concerns, and allow veterinary hospitals to provide individual genome sequencing for cats. These genetic variations possibly cause diseases such as renal stones in the Egyptian Mau breed. The Lyons Lab is already working to find the gene(s) for this anomaly. and this project will jump start the study with a whole-genome sequencing of more Egyptian Mau cats. 

The link for donattions is (99 Lives Donations), their video (99 Lives Video), website (99 Lives Home Page), and Facebook page (99 Lives Facebook).


study on Urate stones - Egyptian Mau breeders and owners asked to participate

Study on Urate Urolithiasis - search to identify issues related with recent studies on urate stones.  Looking for samples from as many affected and non-affected samples as possible. For details on how to submit click on link above or contact Melanie Morgan for assistance. 


Study of silver gene - Egyptian Mau breeders and owners asked to participate

Feline Genome project - search for the silver identifier - looking for samples from as many Egyptian Maus as possible. For details on how to submit click above link or contact Melanie Morgan for help.    


Information on PK Deficiency in Egyptian Maus - Egyptian Mau breeders and owners asked to participate

We would very much like to put together a database of Cats within the breed so that we can track status if possible and would love it if you would share your results so that we can try to track all of this.  You can send results to .   We also encourage all breeders to test their cats before breeding so that we can effectively manage this and ideally breed away from it without decimating our genepool  Link to test



Next Meeting:    CFA Annual Las Vegas Nevada - Friday July 1, 2015 after the Delegate meeting or 6 PM.  Please forward any agenda items by June 25th 2015.


Egyptian Mau Breed Council Meeting

July 1st, 2016  6PM


Egyptian Mau Breed Council Meeting

July 1st, 2016  6PM


bulletCongrats to this year’s winners – three National winners in championship – a historic first.  Five DM’s first sixth generation DM, youngest male DM and first female to have five grands in one litter.  10 regional winners – 11 Regional wins. 25 grands and first G.O.D.
bulletBreed booth Garden State
bulletGEMS Breed Summit July 30 2016
bulletBAOS World Show
bulletPK Deficiency
bulletRegistration by pedigree
bulletBreed Council Secretary meeting with CFA Board

1.         Schedule and guidelines for Ballot Cycle-Bizzell

2.         BCS Code clean-up project-Bizzell

3.         Identifying e-mails coming from Breed Council Secretary e-mail link on WEB site-Bellavance

4.         Rules of Registration online-Morgan

5.         Global Changes to Standards requiring detail ballot item—Kimberlin

6.         Statistics on litters and breeders-Morgan

7.         Quality of certified pedigree

8.         Methods of communication for B.C.s

9.         Other topics as time permits


bulletMember issues

2015/2016 season is over - many congratulations to our winners!

 For current standings in breed Click on link - 2016/2017

Top Cats 2015/2016 Season

Top Cats 2014/2015 Season

Top Cats 2013/2014 Season

Top Cats 2012/2013 Season

Top Cats 2011/2012 Season

Top Cats 2010/2011 season

Top Cats 2009/2010 season

Top Cats 2008/2009 season

Top cats 2007/2008 season

Top Cats 2006/2007 season

For up to date CFA news including current information on the CFA Cat DNA project  go to:  

Items due:        None    


June 2005 - CFA Annual

November 2005 - International

June 2006 - Annual

November 2006 - International

June 2007 - CFA Annual

June 2008 - CFA Annual

November 2008 - International

June 2009 Annual

November 2009 International

June 2010 Annual

June 2011 Annual

November 20, 2011

June 29, 2012

June 28, 2013

June 27, 2014

July 3, 2015

July 1, 2016

Current breed related issues:  

Study on Urate Urolithiasis - search to identify issues related with recent studies on urate stones.  Looking for samples from as many affected and non-affected samples as possible. For details on how to submit click on link above or contact Melanie Morgan for assistance. 

Feline Genome project - search for the silver identifier - looking for samples from as many Egyptian Maus as possible. For details on how to submit click above link or contact Melanie Morgan for help.    

Information on PK Deficiency in Egyptian Maus - Egyptian Mau breeders and owners asked to participate

PK Deficiency in Egyptian Mau - We would very much like to put together a database of Cats within the breed so that we can track status if possible and would love it if you would share your results so that we can try to track all of this.  You can send results to .   We also encourage all breeders to test their cats before breeding so that we can effectively manage this and ideally breed away from it without decimating our genepool  Link to test


see  2008 ballot items                      

If you have anything you would like added to current issues or questions, please feel free to contact Breed Council Secretary:  Melanie Morgan      

rescue cats -

while most Egyptian Mau breeders act responsibly and do their best to take care of their cats/kittens as well as provide assistance, support and advice for their pet owners, we periodically find ourselves in a position where there are Egyptian Maus in desperate need of new homes.  Providing a home for one of these special cats can often be a win/win situation with the opportunity to do a good deed AND get the chance to experience the wonder of this incredible breed.

Current rescues 








Copyright  2009. Any questions please contact the webmaster at     


Link to Urate study information