Egyptian Mau Breed Council
season standings 2018/2019 season APRIL 2019 Our Two National Winners
Our New DMs!
Our National Breed Winners
Our Top Kittens
Our Top Premiership Cats
Our Nine Regional Winners
Our Regional Best of Breeds
* Highest scoring cats reported here regardless of whether they had enough points to qualify officially for the certificate/plaque
Our Sixteen New Grands
Note the following are minimum
point requirements to receive an official CFA breed and/or color class award:
National - Breed: 200; Color: 200
Region 1 Breed: 100(3); Color: 50 (2)
Region 2 - Breed: 50 (3); Color: 50 (2)
Region 3 - Breed: 50 (3); Color: 50 (2)
Region 4 - Breed: 1 (3); Color: 50 (2)
Region 5 - Breed: 50; Color: 50
Region 6 - Breed: 50; Color: 50
Region 7 - Breed: 50; Color: 100
Region 8 - Breed: 1; Color: 50
Region 9 - Breed:1; Color 50 Int'l Division (Asia/Latin America) - Breed: 50; Color: 1 Hawaii - Breed: 1 Color -- Links to other results CFA Egyptian Mau Distinguished Merit Cats CFA National Best Of Breed Winners Current season standings by month end
All information on this page is believed to be accurate to the best of our ability based on CFA records, but not guaranteed! |